Physical Education
At Savile Park, we aim to give our children a broad and balanced PE curriculum which encourages all children to take part in physical activity both in school and at home. We are creating a passion and excitement around physical activity, where all pupils can be challenged and are given opportunities to persevere and improve. We also aim to develop lifelong, healthy living habits.
At Savile Park we use Real PE, which is a curriculum that helps support every child to develop their physical literacy, fundamental movement skills and communication in order to thrive in PE, sports and life. This begins in our Early Years Foundation Stage where pupils are encouraged to practise control and grace, gain body strength, develop coordination and balance. This approach to PE is fully aligned with the National Curriculum and ensures that we include, challenge and support every child.
To further enhance our curriculum at Savile Park, a second aspect to our lessons enables a focus on a game-based team approach.
Autumn 1 – Football – Autumn 1 PE overview and progression
Autumn 2 – Dance – Autumn 2 PE overview and progression
Spring 1 – Gymnastics – Spring 1 PE overview and progression
Spring 2 – Basketball – Spring 2 PE overview and progression
Summer 1 – Cricket/Rounders – Summer 1 PE overview and progression
Summer 2 – Athletics/Sports Day preparation – Summer 2 PE overview and progression
During these lessons, each year group and their teachers have the chance to work alongside sports coaches to enhance their learning and promote an enjoyment in the sport. This year (2022-23) Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed working with a dance coach from the Anna James Dance School, Year 3 had an amazing time playing squash at Queens Sport Club and Year 5 have excelled during basketball sessions with a coach from Bradford Dragons. In Summer 1, Year 4 will be working alongside a cricket coach. Halifax panthers have spent a term working with pupils during lunch times which has been brilliantly received. Each week, Year 6 work with a sports coach from Park Lane High School which is also a great tool in preparing them for high school as well as learning from another expert. Year 6 also attend the outward bound residential course at Robinwood where they experience exciting activities that challenge, promote teamwork and challenge the imagination.
Our annual sports day is held in the summer term where the whole school showcases the key skills they have built up throughout the year as part of an in school competition. Park Lane have helped successfully run this event with the help of their sport leaders. Parents and carers are invited to the moor to watch each child gain points for their house team.
We have engaging, enticing play areas at both sites. Our playground at Heath has been extended to include a wider space to play. At the Moorfield site we have a play trail and fixed climbing frame with slide for pupils to enjoy at break and lunch times. Both sites have playground markings to encourage a wider range of games. The ball court has had recent improvements to allow for more sporting opportunities and for pupils to try new games.
At Savile Park we encourage children to live healthy lifestyles. Our Year 5 pupils take part in the Phunky Foods programme which aims to improve the dietary and physical activity habits of our pupils. In classrooms, we try to give active opportunities throughout our lessons. We want our pupils to leave Savile Park leading active, healthy lifestyles and making positive choices that impact their health, wellbeing and self-esteem.
How can I support my child with P.E?
Indoor Movement Ideas
If you’re having a bad weather week or you live in an urban area without easy access to a backyard, letting the kids run around outside might not be an option for you right now. But kids can still get in plenty of physical activity without leaving the house—it just takes a bit of creativity.
- Twister is fun, encourages flexibility and balance, and is perfect for a rainy day or if you don’t have an outdoor space available right now.
- Dance + freeze – Adding a “freeze” element to a living room dance party makes it more fun for kids while also encouraging them to practice their balance.
- Yoga – Practicing yoga together is a great way to challenge balance and coordination while also getting some much needed quite time as a family.
- Beanbag toss – This super simple activity is great for kids of all different ages and abilities as you can easily make it more or less challenging. Set up two baskets, one full of beanbags or soft balls. Your child can practice throwing a beanbag from one basket to another to work on coordination. Move the baskets further apart as they get the hang of it.
- Skipping – Skipping using a rope is the perfect indoor PE activity because it uses up so much energy, requires very little space and is excellent practice for coordination.
Outdoor Movement Ideas
- Hopscotch – Hopscotch is excellent for helping improve balance and coordination because of all of the rapid changes in movement required. Get out the chalk and set up hopscotch on your patio or driveway and hop along with each other.
- Obstacle course – Enlist your child’s help in setting up an obstacle course in the garden. Get creative with what you have available to make it fun and challenging. Use garden stones or an old 2×4 piece of wood to create a balance beam, mark a pathway for them to run or ride their bike on, set up a big bucket for them to throw a ball in.
- Foursquare – Sometimes the simple, time-tested games are the best! Draw numbered squares on your driveway and challenge each other to bounce the ball to a family member standing in whatever number square you call out. (You do need four people for a traditional foursquare game, but if you have fewer than four people in your household, you can create a simple variation by drawing a triangle or a rectangle with fewer spots.)
- Follow the leader – Line up single file and let each family member take turns being the “leader.” The leader decides how the group will move around the outdoor area. Think crawling around the perimeter, walking backwards (carefully), hopping on one foot, going down the slide if you have one.
- Red light green light – Ask your kids to stand along the fence in the outdoor area. Stand across from them. When you call “Green Light!” they can advance toward you and when you call “Red Light!” they stop. Change up the type of movement they use, from jumping to tiptoeing, and make sure to switch roles so they get a chance to lead too.