
At Savile Park Safeguarding is our number one priority and everyone’s responsibility. The information below explains some of our key provision and systems. It is not intended to replace or substitute the reading of our Safeguarding and child protection policy. For us, Safeguarding goes beyond what is statutory and is our highest priority. As a team we constantly reflect on our practice and look for any ways we can to improve.

Who leads Safeguarding in school?

We have four school DSL’s (Designated Safeguarding Leads). These are currently:

Posters of our DSLs are found around school and on our notice boards.

Click here to view our latest Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Procedures

What does a DSL do?

In our school the DSL’s responsibilities include:

  • Respond to any safeguarding concerns.
  • Liaise with social care and other agencies.
  • Talk to parents about concerns raised where appropriate.
  • Update chronologies and school safeguarding records.
  • Lead on whole staff training and updates.
  • Meet regularly with the other DSL’s/Inclusion team to update them.
  • Meet with the safeguarding governor at least termly and report to Governors.
  • Attend Local Authority DSL networks.
  • Update school safeguarding policy.

What training is given to staff?

Staff are regularly trained in safeguarding and it is part of our new staff induction. We find out about updates and training through the Local Authority DSL network and online services. Our DSLs attend training every two years and keep refreshed through the DSL network.

We keep staff up to date through staff meetings where safeguarding concerns relevant to whole school are discussed (we are always mindful not to over-expose children or families, and casework information is shared on a need to know basis). We also have a staff safeguarding notice board in the staffroom at both school sites.

How are referrals made?

Child Protection and Safeguarding referrals are made by staff and sometimes pupils, parents or visitors to the DSLs. Staff are trained in this process and it is part of new staff induction. We use the CPOMs (Child Protection Online Monitoring System) for staff to log concerns and make referrals.

Staff are trained to avoid asking leading questions and to support pupils by explaining what will happen, not showing disbelief and taking factual information from the child. The school DSLs may investigate further once a referral is made.

Posters around school give information about what to do if a child makes a disclosure.

Will parents be informed?

If a child makes a disclosure our practice is to inform parents and carers as long as this would not put a child in danger or we are advised not to speak to parents by social care. Likewise, we will usually inform parents if a referral to social care has been made.

What if a child or an adult makes a disclosure about a member of staff?

If there is an allegation made against a member of staff then Jane Boylan will seek advice from the Calderdale LA Safeguarding Team on the appropriate action to take. We will inform parents and in some cases a staff member may be suspended or put on altered or supervised duties until an investigation is completed. Where criminal activity may have taken place the police will be contacted. All staff are made aware of the school Whistleblowing Policy

How does school make sure that staff and visitors are safe to work with children?

We carry out criminal background checks on all staff and visitors who work in school. This information is managed and kept by Rob Laycock. Staff are also asked to disclose any activity that may make them by association ineligible to work with children. Staff are trained to understand that they are all responsible for safeguarding and must immediately report any practice they are concerned about. We ask staff to also take precautions such as avoiding being left in a room on their own with a pupil and not using personal mobile phones in school to video or take pictures of pupils. These are outlined in our Staff Code of Conduct, Internet Use and Safeguarding policies.

Recent improvements made to safeguarding in school

We constantly reflect and review our school procedures.

  • Ensured that all staff and visitors wear a lanyard so the pupils know who members of school staff are, and staff can politely challenge anyone without a lanyard in school.
  • Updated and enhanced some of our record keeping and systems.

What should I do if I have a safeguarding concern?

We ask all parents to help with safeguarding too. If you have a concern about a child, member of staff or the safety in the environment then please contact us immediately and ask to speak to one of our school DSLs. If you have a child protection concern and you feel a child is at risk but cannot reach us or it is out of school hours, then you can also refer to MAST (Multi Agency Screening Team) direct on 01422 393336. If it is out of hours and you believe a child is in immediate danger you should contact the police.

Support & advice for parents | NSPCC

Report Harmful Content – We Help You Remove Content

Common Sense Media: Age-Based Media Reviews for Families | Common Sense Media

Click CEOP button (

Report Remove | Childline

Raising awareness of sexual abuse of children (NSPCC)

Parents’ Pack for PANTS message

The TV advert directs parents to the PANTS campaign, used in schools for many years. There is now a pack for parents to use, to encourage them to have a conversation that many might feel uncomfortable about having. Information is also available in Welsh and for children with a hearing impairment. The link to the parents’ PANTS pack is here:

Pantosaurus App for iOS and Android

The NSPCC have also teamed up with award-winning animators, Aardman to create a free app, for both android and iOS, featuring the Panatsorus characters. There are four mini games where players test their skills against Pantosaurus. The app is great fun to use, although I’m rubbish at mobile games and struggled with the basketball game! Get the app by going to the relevant App Store below:

Find on Google Play:

Find on the Apple App Store:

Calderdale’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Website –

This website is for help and advice for young people and those who support them.