Guide to the EYFS at Savile Park

EYFS stands for Early Years Foundation Stage and it is the provision given to children under 5 years. At Savile Park we are proud of our Early Years Foundation Stage provision and believe that our high quality environments and provisions provide children with the firm foundations to transition into Year 1 and continue to flourish in their time at Savile Park Primary School.
Click here to view the governments Early Years Foundation Stage documents.
The EYFS covers 7 areas of learning:
· Communication & Language
· Personal, Social and Emotional Development
· Physical Development
· Literacy
· Mathematics
· Understanding of the World
· Expressive Arts and Design

Both reception classrooms at Savile Park are divided into areas to cover the curriculum expectations. These areas promote learning through play and adult focus groups. Staff work closely across both of our school sites to ensure consistency and that high-quality provision is matched across our school.

We have both an indoor and outdoor classroom which the children access on a daily basis using an ‘open door’ policy. This provides open ended opportunities for the learning to continuously flow from inside to outside. The outdoor classroom allows the children more movement and physical exploration than the indoor classroom enabling us to provide a wider range of experiences and provisions.
In EYFS we use key quality texts to steer our planning and we have created a bespoke curriculum around these texts to provide exciting and engaging topics and provision for our children. Curriculum subject leaders across school work closely with EYFS to ensure that learning starts here and develops and progresses through school after the firm foundations have been taught in reception classes. You can find the coverage documents on our subject specific pages to look at coverage and progression across key stages. We also theme our provision using ‘key texts’
We encourage the children to share their ideas and interests and plan these into the learning opportunities as much as possible. The children are involved in developing classroom areas throughout the year.

Daily routine
- We open the doors at 8:45am where the children are welcomed in. Carpet activities are available and adult focus groups also start at this time working on sounds and writing.
- After the register has been taken. We then either start our whole class teaching sessions or attend assembly with the rest of the school.
- Children are encouraged to have a healthy snack and drink throughout the day.
- Morning sessions include: Phonics sessions using our Little Wandle scheme, Guided Reading (reading in a group exploring different types of books, authors, pictures, sounds, words, characters, settings, emotions), writing or maths work with an adult, snack, phonics and learning jobs.
- Afternoon sessions include: Mastering number maths sessions, writing or maths work with an adult, learning jobs, handwriting and story.
How can you help?
We do expect parents and carers to take some responsibility for their child’s development and thus reading practise is an essential homework expectation. You will also be able to access reading books on the Collins E Books website, please ask your child’s teacher if you are having difficulty logging in.
All parents have access to their child’s class page on the website and we encourage parents to talk to children about their work. We then share these moments in school with your child and sometimes with their peers.
Food and drink
A range of snacks are provided throughout the week including fruit and vegetables. Milk is also provided and your child is able to access water whenever they require it.
Some useful links for parents and carers:
Little Wandle letters and sounds
Better lives healthy futures – healthy eating
Collins Big Cat ebook libraries – Parent Guide